I am always interested to see who gets released. As we know the WWE's main roster is currently overflowing with superstars. In my mind there are way too many guys hanging around right now. Some of them need to be back down in development, while a few others need to go.
Here are 5 guys who I think the WWE will cut. (Note these are not necessarily the guys who I think should be cut)
1. JTG
2. Trent Barretta
3. Evan Bourne
4. Yoshi Tatsu
5. Michael McGillicutty
Of those 5 guys, I believe that Barretta and Tatsu should stay. Both need a semi push and at least be on TV a little. These would be a couple of great guys to put in Tag Teams to help bolster the Tag division. I am on the fence with Evan Bourne, his recent actions lead me to say let him go and get everything figured out and maybe the WWE can bring him back later.
IMO Mason Ryan needs to go. He brings nothing to the table. He is essentially the same as Zeke Jackson, but I believe Zeke is a better wrestler (not by much though).
Let me know what you think.